Over 10 years we helping companies reach their financial and branding goals. Onum is a values-driven SEO agency dedicated.


Work with the best: find your A team

Think about what you want to achieve this year and the year after that. Do you like to be average or below, to manage a stagnated business, to move forward without any plan?

I certainly don’t like that. In my own experience I’ve made the mistake to rely on other people for the success of my business. People who although I can admit are nice individuals lack something important: professionalism, discipline, clear understanding of their role, even inability to protect their own interest.

From what I’ve seen during the years of work with different companies is the most successful of them attract and retain the best people for each job. They have no excuses for working with somebody who is B, C, D or below. A team members only. When you create that team the results for your business will follow inevitably. Why? Because that is how the world works.

If there is any chance for you to grow your venture having the best people available in your team is your best chance!

The Universe responds to the right request

I was witness several times of complete transformation in the team of companies which I worked with: better graphic designers, better videographers, better copywriters, better digital marketing specialist ( me ), better developer, better customer service people. In 100% of those cases all money spent on higher salaries were made back as profit several times. I was able to see the numbers in the CMS, Google Analytics etc. No exception. So if you are asking yourself why your company is struggling to acquire enough customers each month look no further.

Investing in highly skilled partners and employees is expensive, but risking to bet your business on team B or below is the highest risk you can take. The good new is a lot of your competitors have such employees and partners, usually 20% of the team is responsible for 40%+ of the results in any team. Instead of spending 50% more this year in advertising invest that money and time to attract the best professionals available: in some cases you should lure a person working with another company. It will take time for the new people to get up to speed and for you to feel the improvements but you will. This is how the world works, talented hard working people make things happen.

The most undervalued growth hack

Talen/Partner retention. When your business grows the people who are responsible to that expect to reap some of the those benefits with you. There is no way for a talented, motivated person to continue working with you if you are mean and pay that person below what they have deserved. When the person is from the A team they can find the next company very fast and if their compensation is not growing in tact with the business you would loose them. The same goes for 3-rd party companies which help you grow. This is where a lot of companies make a mistake: they teat the A team members like everybody else! Keep your best team members happy. Just take look at how many amenities and what salaries are most of the the big tech companies offering. Maybe they can find people who would work for 3x less, but if they want to be the best in their industry they have to attract the best talent and motivate those people constantly. Talented professionals are the most valuable resource of any business no matter how big or small it is.

Now is your turn to analyze who within your team is slowing you down and who is caring more work on their back than the rest.