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Social media not reaching people: do this Fast and Work hard

The number of business social media account which don’t reach a lot of people organically is in the millions, tens of millions. Reason: social media companies want you to spend money on ads, why would you pay for ads if you have organic reach?

Quick fixes to the issue

Create a Twitter account, verify it and work there more than Facebook, Instagram. It is that easy to have good organic reach, of course you should still do the work to create great content people engage with but Twitter allows you to grow, Meta doesn’t unless you pay them tens of thousands of dollars for advertising. Don’t confuse paying with growing a following, the followers which you would gather when running FB ads are just random people who have decided to follow you, not people who have seen your organic posts, they would still be under the rug..

TikTok may be soon banned or not in some western countries but the reach there is also as free as possible ( unless you say something against TikTok or the CCP ).

The magic of Twitter is that its algorithm work in the same way it was intended to when the platform was created ( until very recently that wasn’t the case ! ). The same was true for Facebook and Instagram over 5 or more years ago. User of the platforms ( Twitter, FB, Insta, Youtube ) used to have the ability to show their content to a large amount of people during the testing phase in which the algorithms were doing their job to curate the content users see. Nowadays those same algorithms work with a lot less new organic content because:

  1. The companies are greedy: already mentioned this, but to make sure it is clear this is the main reason, you are the product they sell, and sell you they do.
  2. Big brand have already captured large followings and the algorithms are working to keep people engaged. It is more risky for the company to show an organic post from a small furniture manufacturer that a one from Ikea. This is a big problem because it limits any smaller brand immensely in their organic reach without a substitute in certain networks.

The slow/right way to deal with this

I am not offering you some silver bullet in term of focusing on Twitter, even I don’t recomment focusing only on it. Keep working on the other networks too but understand this is a long term game which needs a Lot of Work.

What I mean is creating a plan content post plan for the next one month. You have to decide how many time are you going to post, what are you going to post and then open Twitter post scheduler, FB creator studio, TikTok Scheduler and actually set everything in place. No need to push yourself beyond the amount of content you have created, but this schedule will help you create the new content because you will know Exactly what you need to do.

This makes a Huge difference, people lose 50% of the time trying to think about the content and when they have a clear plan to follow this speeds things up. Speed wins in business. So this is actually a fast way to develop your social media.

The content plan

I will be honest with you: it will take a lot of time for your pages to gain momentum ( organic followers ), you will have real organic reach only in Twitter and TikTok and to reach new people your content should be strong, really strong and well thought. This doesn’t mean you will have to spend 30 minutes creating every post. The reason is people are not looking for long and beautifuly written copy and pretty designs ( both help but they are not the essence ). People are looking for something which is close to them and there are 3 phases:

  1. They need it ( need is better for conversions than wanting ): conversion phase .
  2. They want it ( window shopping online happens a lot, people bookmark and share things ): consideration phase.
  3. They found something which they may need or have some interest in ( sparking people curiosity is the trick here ) awareness phase.

This whole build up can be achieved both with advertising and organic post.

The question is:

What is the main difference between an ad an organic post?

How many people your will reach with the same content over the same amount of time. Social networks have immensely decreased the organic reach of business pages as I already mention in this article.

So whether you post organically or you boost the only difference is the reach you will have. My advice to you is to use advertising your best content ( according to you ) and change each week the type of content you advertise. You will do this to find out what do people respond to on each social media.

Why: the idea is once you know this information ( which content type works best on xyz network ) you can push in that direction, you can improve the quality and increase the quantity of your best content type. See where I am going: your pages will become extremely well made hubs for the best type of organic content in your industry/niche.

The algorithm

If you are following me closely you already know how to “hack” the algorithm…

This is only possible because those algorithms generally have two sides:

  1. Maintain the need for advertising of most business pages..
  2. Maintain the user time and engagement on the platform..

You’ve successfully migrated from 1 to 2 ( or 0 to 1 if you know what I mean ).

This requires a content plan, implementing that plan into a post schedule on all networks, being consistent ( it may take up to 3 months…. ), advertising different content types ( or topics ) each week with enough budget to turn the content into a useful data point and creating better and more of the best you have.

If you haven’t seen that exact plan written and shown in any other article or video it is because this will give you power, the power to reach people.


Use it wisely and don’t give up before you break out from the crowd: it takes a lot of time and work ( and some money ).