Over 10 years we helping companies reach their financial and branding goals. Onum is a values-driven SEO agency dedicated.

Agency Marketing

How to spot if you are working with a mediocre marketing agency?

Things move slow, weeks become months

I’ve never seen a problem with high urgency and importance which I can’t solve in one week.

You as a business owner should be ready to push other people to help in my work to make you more money and I should do the same. Playing it slow, allowing people to procrastinate with the time you pay for is the number one mistake you can make. This separate the winners from the losers in the world of digital marketing 90%+ of the cases. Both sides should move with speed. I’ve been part of multiple marketing team in which the managers preferred to spent 10 hours on a presentation which has the sole purpose to keep you happy and retain you as paying client instead of spending the same time to solve your most urgent issues and improve your sales. Think about that.

  • We move fast, issues get solved fast and results come as soon as our work gets recognized by the market and the algorithms.

Emails, you keep getting them…

The only time your agency is exited and persistent in their email is when they tray to “sell” you on an extra service. Most of those paid extras ( Enhanced conversions, GA4, Google tag manager server side ) are included in our $480 /month flat marketing fee. They will make you pay 2000 or more for just one of them.

Unless they are selling you stuff which is part of the service you pay for anyway they are sending some report and random information which they thing will make them look more professional: Google have a new beta service, Facebook offer a new training program, Instagram have a new VR tool etc.

Unless they have maximized your profits with traditional marketing they have no job in spending the time you pay them to work for you on those emails. Ripping benefits from those programs is more rare than a white tiger on a city street, if there is some new improvement in digital marketing you will hear about it everywhere, not just in a colorful email/presentation. Results will speak for themself.

  • We focus on making more profits for you, constantly optimizing the existing campaigns, ads and content and we are on look for real opportunity for growth.

You never grow as much as you want

It ultimately doesn’t matter if the people you work with have 1 year or 50 years of experience: if they can scale you business profitably you are golden. 99.9% of the case growing a business with B or C team agency is not possible, but maybe yours has a lone star in it working on your project or you’ve seen a competent specialist but that person rarely works on your stuff if at all. Unless you are that 0.01% of the cases where the team is not the best but there is one person which makes you a lot of money and they are free to do so in the best way possible you Need to change your marketing partners. If you don’t some of your competitors will find a better team and take business from you.

Every market is competitive, and your business is ultimately yours to develop and grow. The role of a good marketer is to not only maintain a good lever of profitability for you but also find new channels and tactics which will grow your profits over time. This is a hard task which only an experienced and perspicacious specialist can achieve, it separates an A team person from B and C team member who can maintain and report the sales which you will have with or without them. Ultimate if you don’t grow you lose. There is now “staying at one place”.

  • This is hard, no other way to put it. It doesn’t matter if you work with 10 or 100 specialist at once, if none can spot the opportunity you will miss it too. I am proud of the real growth in revenue and profitability I was able to achieve for my clients over the years.


I am sure you already know if your current agency is the best you can get or not. Keep that in mind the next time you look at your profits.

  • Our paid advertising serices will cost you only $480 / month.
  • SEO: search engine optimization comes at the unmatched price of $780 / month.
  • Everything is included in both service.
  • Contact us to find out more!